Brentwood Chinese Massage
07897 829 393
“We offer Fantastic Chinese Therapy Massage”
“Tranquillity, Comfortable Environment”
John, Brentwood
This lady Judy is one heck of a massage therapist, I been getting regular massage from various therapy spa in the past 2 years. I wish her all the best in her business.
Steve, Brentwood
Wonderful massage I received from Judy, her Chinese therapy massage centre in Brentwood is just blessing for someone like me, as I love massage.
David, Brentwood
Big Thank you to Judy for sports massage few days ago. Excellent massage, and lovely atmosphere place.
Recommend her to anyone.
Rio, Brentwood
I went for a massage in Brentwood Chinese Massage shop, it looked recently open, as I can small painted wall. Any I just like to say the massage here is very good indeed. I should come back again.
I recommend it to everyone!!
Thank you for your fantastic body massage Judy. You are friendly and yet your hands were magic to my poor bad back.
Recommend it to everyone!
- Most Amazing Chinese Massage in Brentwood -
Copyright © 2018 Brentwood Massage | 57 Ongar Road, Brentwood, Essex. CM15 9AZ | Booking: 07828 671 300